Week 1: Monday Verse

So, what does John 6:47 mean?

Jesus states that whoever believes in Him has eternal life. But what does it mean to believe? According to the Bible, believing means trusting in, relying on, and clinging to Him. Believing is essentially a trusting love.
Fun Fact: No other prophet or holy man in the Bible said, “Believe in me and find everlasting life.” Jesus was the only one!
Question: What are ways can we help others believe or draw closer to Jesus?
John 5:47

Week 1: Sunday Ponder It

What is Faith?

As we begin Faith Week, take a moment to think/journal about what faith is and what it means to you. More than likely, you have never taken a moment to stop and honestly reflect upon the word. Feel free to share your thoughts, we would love to hear them!

Question: What does faith mean or look like to you?

Foundation Week One Content

Sunday Ponder It Faith

Week 1: Sunday Welcome

Welcome to Week One of the Foundation course!

This week is all about building a strong foundation rooted in faith within your life. This is the hub for your member-only material. A new blog, podcast, quote, Bible verse, or YouTube video will be posted every day, all week long – WOO HOO!

We encourage you to comment, share stories, make friendships, and ask for prayer or encouragement when needed. Ignite is a community that cheers on and lifts up others. So let’s grow together; in community.
Question: What are you looking forward to the most this week, or in the course as a whole?
Week 1 Sunday Welcome