Week 4: Saturday Congratulations!


You just finished Ignite: Be The Light’s Foundation Course!

Our prayer while creating this course was that you would grow in your relationship with the Lord and see just how transformative a life with a faith can be.

Over the past four weeks, you built a foundation rooted in faith, developed a healthy and holy mindset, established an intentional lifestyle, and redefined your purpose as a child of God – Now what?
Lucky for you, Foundation is part 1 of a 3 series program – Yes, that’s correct! Two more AMAZING courses are coming your way!
In the meantime, while we develop and pray over our up-and-coming courses, we would encourage you to continue digging into your faith, reading the Word, and taking steps towards living a hopeful and fearless life with Christ!
We are called to be lights in this dark world, so go out and do just that! Invite a friend, family member, or neighbor to join us on our next launch of the Foundation course (June 6, 2021), start a Bible study with a group of women or simply go to Church. Being a light looks different for everyone and that’s okay. But, don’t be scared to be a light where God has called you to shine.
In the meantime, stay connected on our social media platforms for updates on our up-and-coming courses, Ignite apparel, and so much more. We are SOO proud of you. See you soon!
With love and light,

Week 4: Friday Check-in

How is Week Four going?

Drop any comments, experiences, or questions you may have about the overall week; daily topics; journal stories; Bible verses; or intentionality as a whole. 
What was your favorite part of this week? What area did you find challenging? How did you see God work throughout Purpose Week?

Week 4: Friday Verse

So, what does Psalm 78:4 mean?

This Psalm speaks to the importance of seeing and understanding the hand of God as He moves in and through history. In this verse, the three things we are called to share with coming generations are:
  1. The praises of the LORD – teaching them that God was worthy of our adoration and gratitude.
  2. God’s strength – His power and greatness above and beyond all.
  3. His wonderful works – that is, God’s power and greatness in active assistance to His people.
We should speak often about these things and tell stories of how God has done wonderful works in and through His people!
Question: What wonderful things has God done in your life?

Week 4: Thursday Verse

So, what does 2 Timothy 1:8 mean?

In this verse, Paul tells Timothy that he should not be ashamed of the gospel or of Paul and his imprisonment. Throughout 2 Timothy, Paul focuses on two primary ideas:
  1. First, that Timothy’s background in the faith should give him the courage to stand fast against hard times.
  2. Second, that Timothy should use that courage to defend the truth of the gospel message.
Question: At times, many of us have been scared to talk about our faith. Why do you think that is?

Week 4: Wednesday That Spark

That Spark

Today is the day we talk about all things dreams, passion, and purpose! But, before we dive into the good stuff, I want to tell you a story about a time I chased someone else’s purpose. This is how my spark ignited.

As a kid, I had big ole dreams. I would have bet my entire life savings (AKA my piggy bank) that I would attend an out-of-state university (wrong), major in interior design (wrong again), and somehow land an HGTV show where I would stand in front of a camera and have America fall in love with me (once again, wrong). Sounds amazing, right? I drooled over this dream for YEARS until one day my vision and heart behind it all changed.

After a good hard look at my HGTV dream, I realized I was not chasing my purpose… I was chasing Joanna Gaines’s. I was trying to pursue the life God created for her, not the life He created for me. As much as I would love to be Joanna, I am not going to be. I have different dreams, different visions, and a different purpose. And I am goofy, energetic, passionate, and determined; I am me.

That day, I realized chasing someone else’s dreams would never fully satisfy my soul because those dreams were never mine to chase. It’s okay to have goals and to look up to people, but don’t look at somebody else and say, “That’s what I want to be.” Because then you’re seeking their purpose, not yours.

I believe when you come to terms with the fact that your vision and purpose look different than the gals’ next to you, you will ignite a spark in your heart that sets your soul on fire. That is what I want for you because that spark can change the world. That spark can help others, love others and lead others.

Your spark can make a difference.

Be real, be you. Chase YOUR dreams and seek YOUR purpose. God gave you this purpose for a reason, and there is no better person to walk in it than you.

Week 4: Tuesday Quote

So, who is Havilah Cunnington?

By the age of 19, Havilah and her twin sister Deborah were traveling all over California preaching, teaching and singing at any place that would have them. By the age of 21, they had been in seven different states and Mexico teaching about Jesus and His great plan for this generation! Havilah Cunnington has been in full-time ministry for twenty years, and serves as a pastor at Bethel Church. Havilah and her husband, Ben, lead a nonprofit and an online platform called Truth to Table, reaching the world with Bible studies, messages, and lifestyle leadership tools. Havilah and Ben live in Redding, California, with their four sons: Judah, Hudson, Grayson, and Beckham (https://havilahcunnington.com).
Question: On a scale from 1 to 10, how much do you love this quote?