Week 3: Tuesday Verse

So, what does 2 Peter 2:19 mean?

Freedom isn’t found in what Jesus can give us, but only in Jesus Himself. When we seek freedom in the wrong way, we become slaves to the thing we are seeking. True freedom is the ability to say no to ourselves, to leave the path of destruction, and to say yes to Christ. With true freedom, we are able to find joy, meaning, and an abundant life (John 10:10).
Question: It is easy for us to become slaves to a number things – Phones, social media, gossip, etc. What is something you notice yourself being controlled by?

Week 3: Monday Podcast

Have A Listen!

It’s already Week 3 of the Foundation Course.  This week Shelly and Courtney dive into the root of living an intentional lifestyle. We will refresh, remodel, refine, recharge and refocus aspects of our lives. So get ready to think deeply about what you consume, evaluate whether your habits are truly serving you, and determine whether your inner-circle friendships are challenging you to be the best you can be.
Tune in, be inspired, and get ready to leave ignited!
Question: What was your favorite part of this episode, or what part of the conversation did you relate to the most?
Week 1 Podcast

Week 3: Monday Verse

So, what does 1 Corinthians 10:31 mean?

In this verse, Paul is stating that believers should be motivated to bring glory to God in everything they do, or choose not to do. Our attitudes and actions should be a positive reflection of God’s glory!

Question: How did or will you bring glory to God today (big or small)?

Foundation Week Three Content

Week 3: Sunday Welcome

Welcome to Week Three of the Foundation course!

You are halfway done and doing GREAT! This week is all about establishing an intentional lifestyle. This is the hub for your member-only material. A new blog, podcast, quote, Bible verse, or YouTube video will be posted here every day, all week long – AWESOME!
We encourage you to comment, share stories, make friendships, and ask for prayer or encouragement when needed. Ignite is a community that cheers on and lifts up others. So let’s grow together; in community.
Below is the weekly schedule for the journal topics:

How the Weeks Connect

Weeks Connect

Over the last few blog posts, we identified why faith, mindset, intention, and purpose were important. But, we never singled out what their connection is and why these topics relate to you.


Week one of the Foundation course is all about building a strong foundation in your life that is rooted in faith. Once you have a strong foundation in faith, everything you do will then be done in faith. That leads us to week two.


A foundation of faith within your life allows you to develop a healthy and holy mindset. It allows you to remove the doubt and fear that roams in your head and allows you to become confident in who God created you to be. When your mindset changes, your actions and habits begin to change as well. Which brings us to week three.


A healthy and holy mindset will guide you in establishing an intentional lifestyle. It will allow you to be mindful of your daily habits and what you consume. This kind of mindset empowers you to be present in the moment and create genuine friendships that do nothing but encourage you to walk in faith. Which takes us to the fourth and final week.


An intentional lifestyle will allow you to identify your God-given talents, walk humbly, redefine purpose and pinpoint the legacy you wish to leave. To put it simply these four topics need to have a strong connection. A foundation in faith develops a healthy mindset, which then helps you to create an intentional lifestyle that allows you to live a life of purpose.

Here at Ignite, we believe God has created you on purpose, with a purpose. He has given each of you a unique set of gifts and has placed passions in your heart. We believe you have something to offer to this world and that is why we invite you to join us as we take on our BRAND-NEW Foundation Course together.

Why Intention?


IntentionHave you ever taken a moment to stop and think about intentionality? Further yet, what an intentional lifestyle looks like?

An intentional lifestyle means living according to your values and beliefs. Many of us have strong values but what we struggle with is creating a lifestyle that truly encompasses them.

Many of us are so caught up in our daily routines. We wake up, check our phones, go about life, talk a little drama, come home, scroll some more, go to bed, and repeat it all the next morning. We struggle to be present and live in the moment. And we feel the need to look perfect on social media and share every ounce of our lives with strangers. I hate to say it, but this is not an intentional lifestyle.

An intentional lifestyle has become the farthest thing from the social norm, which is a shame! Not only does an intentional lifestyle encourage you, it allows you to be mindful of your daily habits, what you consume, and your motives.

So, I invite you to join the gals at Ignite as we take on the BRAND-NEW Foundation Course together. A four-week journey focused on building a faith-based foundation, developing a healthy and holy mindset, establishing an intentional lifestyle, and redefining your purpose as a child of God. Week three of Foundation will make you really think about your habits. And it will help you identify changes that need to be made and inspire you to truly live by your values and beliefs.

This is your invitation to kick bad habits to the curb, be present in your day-to-day, and create a community of encouraging relationships around you. Join us as we take on this new course together, in community.

What is the Foundation Course?

what is foundation

what is foundationWhen I was a kid, I sang a song in Sunday school about a wise man who built his house on a rock and a foolish man who built his house on the sand. The song explains that when the rain came, the house on the rock stood firm and the house on the sand washed away. So as a five-year-old, the only thing I liked about this song was the fact there were hand motions that went along with the words. Now, as an adult, I can appreciate the message of this song and realize how important a foundation truly is!

The word foundation is defined in the dictionary as the lowest load-bearing part of a building, typically below ground level. So, a foundation is essentially responsible for holding up and holding together the structure above it. And too often, we assume homes and buildings are the only things that need a strong foundation. In reality, we too need a strong foundation within our lives. We need something to hold us up and hold us together through our storms.

So for that very reason, we created the Foundation course to kick off Ignite: Be the Light program series.

What Does the Foundation Course Look Like?

Foundation is part one of a three program series. It is a four-week course that allows you to build a faith-based foundation, develop a healthy and holy mindset, establish an intentional lifestyle, and redefine your purpose as a child of God. In this course, you will be guided in Scripture, bible study, real and relatable stories, question prompts, and challenges that are sure to leave you eager to ignite a life in purpose.

Ignite: Be the Light is a community that focuses on igniting a flame of faith from within and being a light where God calls you to shine. Here at Ignite, we encourage you to walk in faith, purpose, and passion to live the life that He has called you to live.

Now we invite you to join us on this journey. To walk humbly and boldly in spirit and truth. This is your opportunity to embark on a purposeful life of love that God has created for you. Join us as we dive into this four-week course together, in community.

How can I join?

There are two ways to participate in our Foundation course.


If you thrive in community and want accountability, Ignite’s Members-only access to the Foundation Course is just for you. Member’s only access includes:

Hard-Bound Foundation Journal
Private Facebook Community
Private Access to the Ignite website
Members-Only Blogs to Dig-Deeper
“Let’s Talk” Videos with the gals at Ignite, exclusive to members
Members-Only Weekly Podcasts
Daily Inspiration


If you’re a self-motivator and prefer to navigate this journey on your own, we encourage you to grab a journal here and get started. This journal costs $19.95 and is a powerful tool that will ignite your life!

The journals will be shipped directly to your home, just in time for the course launch day, May 2, 2021. If you preorder NOW, member-only access will be $39.95. This discount is only available until March 29, 2021. You don’t want to miss it!

ICYMI: Check out our blog to read about our inspiration for Ignite and how the Foundation journal and course came about!