Why Mindset?


The word mindset is dMindsetefined as a mental attitude or inclination. As humans, we have a large variety of different mindsets. Some days we have a greedy mindset, other days we have a giving mindset. Sometimes we are negative, other times we are positive. The list goes on and on because mindsets are never-ending and ever-changing.

But the thing we often forget is that our mindset is a choice. Every morning, we have the opportunity to decide if we want to wake up happy or wake up grumpy. We have the opportunity to decide if we want to be grateful or jealous.

Why Does our Mindset Matter?

The mindsets we choose daily will determine what roads we go down. Certain mindsets will lead us down paths of doubt and fear. And they will leave us feeling unloved and unworthy of our purpose. Other mindsets will lead us down roads of hope and encouragement. And those will leave us feeling loved, worthy, and known.

This is why taking the time to develop and chose healthy mindsets rooted in faith is so important.

Here at Ignite, we believe God has given everyone a unique set of gifts and a purpose in life. Developing a healthy and holy mindset will allow you to be one step closer to walking in that purpose. So, I invite you to join the gals at Ignite as we take on the BRAND-NEW Foundation course together. This four-week journey focuses on building a faith-based foundation, developing a healthy and holy mindset, establishing an intentional lifestyle, and redefining your purpose as a child of God.

So, this is your invitation to develop a fearless, confident, and worthy mindset in who God created you to be. Join us as we take on this new course together, in community.

ICYMI: Learn more about how our Foundation journal and course are structured and how they are sure to impact your life in a way you never imagined.

What is the Foundation Course?

what is foundation

what is foundationWhen I was a kid, I sang a song in Sunday school about a wise man who built his house on a rock and a foolish man who built his house on the sand. The song explains that when the rain came, the house on the rock stood firm and the house on the sand washed away. So as a five-year-old, the only thing I liked about this song was the fact there were hand motions that went along with the words. Now, as an adult, I can appreciate the message of this song and realize how important a foundation truly is!

The word foundation is defined in the dictionary as the lowest load-bearing part of a building, typically below ground level. So, a foundation is essentially responsible for holding up and holding together the structure above it. And too often, we assume homes and buildings are the only things that need a strong foundation. In reality, we too need a strong foundation within our lives. We need something to hold us up and hold us together through our storms.

So for that very reason, we created the Foundation course to kick off Ignite: Be the Light program series.

What Does the Foundation Course Look Like?

Foundation is part one of a three program series. It is a four-week course that allows you to build a faith-based foundation, develop a healthy and holy mindset, establish an intentional lifestyle, and redefine your purpose as a child of God. In this course, you will be guided in Scripture, bible study, real and relatable stories, question prompts, and challenges that are sure to leave you eager to ignite a life in purpose.

Ignite: Be the Light is a community that focuses on igniting a flame of faith from within and being a light where God calls you to shine. Here at Ignite, we encourage you to walk in faith, purpose, and passion to live the life that He has called you to live.

Now we invite you to join us on this journey. To walk humbly and boldly in spirit and truth. This is your opportunity to embark on a purposeful life of love that God has created for you. Join us as we dive into this four-week course together, in community.

How can I join?

There are two ways to participate in our Foundation course.


If you thrive in community and want accountability, Ignite’s Members-only access to the Foundation Course is just for you. Member’s only access includes:

Hard-Bound Foundation Journal
Private Facebook Community
Private Access to the Ignite website
Members-Only Blogs to Dig-Deeper
“Let’s Talk” Videos with the gals at Ignite, exclusive to members
Members-Only Weekly Podcasts
Daily Inspiration


If you’re a self-motivator and prefer to navigate this journey on your own, we encourage you to grab a journal here and get started. This journal costs $19.95 and is a powerful tool that will ignite your life!

The journals will be shipped directly to your home, just in time for the course launch day, May 2, 2021. If you preorder NOW, member-only access will be $39.95. This discount is only available until March 29, 2021. You don’t want to miss it!

ICYMI: Check out our blog to read about our inspiration for Ignite and how the Foundation journal and course came about!

Get Ready to Ignite!

Have you ever experienced a time in your life when you felt as if there was something inside you that needed to get out? Like something is just waiting to ignite? A time in your life when you felt as if you weren’t fully walking in your purpose? A time when you felt like you wanted to make a difference in the world but also felt stuck? Well, if this is you, join the club! I was right there with you about five years ago (and every once in a while here and there).

I felt as if life kept dealing me cards that were not what I had envisioned. As a result, it left me feeling like I didn’t have control of my own destiny. But, at the same time, there was this HUGE passion lying deep within me, waiting for the right moment to ignite!

The Struggle Bus

I had struggled for nearly a year, one life change after another. I denied everything and fought the change. I was angry, I was scared and I was unsure. I kept getting stuck on the fact that my plans were not aligning with God’s plans. I thought I knew my calling in life and I thought I had things figured out…but, boy was I wrong! I prayed every day, listened to God’s Word, and asked Him to show me the way.

I Have Greater Plans for You

June 2, 2015, was the day I realized God had greater plans for me (Jeremiah 29:11). From that moment, I have never looked back. Once I let go and let God take control, I started on a new path that changed the course of my life’s destiny. I began to let my light shine for the world to see.

Since then, I have learned to embrace His ways and trust in my faith. I have made time to listen to God and have become intentional in living the life that He has called me to live. From a random wave on the highway to a casual conversation in the grocery store, I believe that God has called me to live a purposeful life and to make a difference in the lives of everyone I encounter.

God’s plans were so much better than anything I could have imagined. I now have a successful marketing business that allows me to make a difference for clients, empower my subcontractors, and live a life I love with my family and friends! Sure, bad things still happen and I am challenged by my children, husband, and clients on the daily. But, after five years of following God’s lead, I truly believe nothing can impact the solid foundation that I have built my life upon.

Lent 2020 Program

Emerge Strengthened Lenten 2020 programLife was going great, as some would say, “I was living the dream.” But then I felt called to do more. My heart kept saying “follow your dreams, impact many, this is your time” and my head kept saying “God, are you sure you have the right person?” About a week before Lent began in 2020, I saw Matthew Kelly’s “Best Lent Ever” journal sitting on my kitchen bar stool and had a vision come over me. I was going to lead my community through every day of Lent! But then the doubt and excuses kicked in (ever had those?) I can’t do that; nobody would care; I’m not trained to preach the Word of God; I don’t have time. Then I paused and remembered that God’s ways are always greater than mine. I took a deep breath and took a step in faith and trust.

Just like that, the Emerge Faith Journey had begun. Nearly 200 people from all over the United States participated in a 50-day Bible study (held at 6:00 a.m. led by yours truly)! When the 50 days were over, I checked it off my list and continued forward with my usual plans.

But, then came the rest of 2020. Businesses were forced to close, people were struggling and even churches were abandoned. I never really felt scared or worried like the majority of people I encountered, but what I did feel was a calling. A calling to bring hope to the hurting world and to share the good news about Jesus and His saving grace. I felt a calling to bring light back to our dark and fallen world.

So here I am, following God’s lead and hanging on for the ride. I am so excited to announce our brand new endeavor, we hope you’ll join us on this journey! Be prepared to Ignite your life and be a beacon of light for all to see!

Ignite: Be the Light

Ignite: Be the Light logo

Ignite is a multi-platform community focused on faith-based personal development. Participants ignite the flame of faith deep in their souls and become a light when God calls them to shine. Here at Ignite, we encourage you to walk in faith, purpose, and passion to live the life that He has called you to embrace. Establishing a strong Foundation is the first step.

Foundation journal coverSo what is the Foundation? The Foundation is a 4-week course that allows you to build a faith-based foundation, develop a healthy and holy mindset, establish an intentional lifestyle, and redefine your purpose as a child of God! Throughout the four weeks, you will be guided in scripture, bible study, real and relatable stories. The Ignite Gals will prompt you with questions and exercises that leave you eager to ignite your life in purpose!

How Do I Join?

There are two ways to participate in our Foundation course.

Option #1: Become an Ignite Member (Community, Accountability & Hard-bound Journal)

Option #1: Self-Starter (Journal Only)

So what are you waiting for?  Be prepared to Ignite: Be the Light!
