What is Faith?

As we begin Faith Week, take a moment to think/journal about what faith is and what it means to you. More than likely, you have never taken a moment to stop and honestly reflect upon the word. Feel free to share your thoughts, we would love to hear them!

Question: What does faith mean or look like to you?

Foundation Week One Content

Sunday Ponder It Faith


  1. My brain can’t formulate a sentence or phrase which defines or explains faith in its entirety, so here are a few words or concepts that float around in my mind – trusting and obeying, eternal life with Jesus, assurance of things hoped for, and conviction of things unseen.

  2. Faith is such a big word even though it is only five letters, it sure has a big meaning. When I think of the word Faith the first two words that come to mind are, Freedom and Power.
    We have the freedom to be in God’s light and to be ourselves and not have to worry about what others do or think.
    We have the Power to have Him on our side as a guardian that will always be there for us in our most time of need. God is also the most powerful to defeat our enemies or our deep troubles.

  3. Faith to me is how the Holy Spirit is working in me and my faith is my personal beliefs. Faith also is having trust in Him.

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