So, what does 2 Peter 2:19 mean?

Freedom isn’t found in what Jesus can give us, but only in Jesus Himself. When we seek freedom in the wrong way, we become slaves to the thing we are seeking. True freedom is the ability to say no to ourselves, to leave the path of destruction, and to say yes to Christ. With true freedom, we are able to find joy, meaning, and an abundant life (John 10:10).
Question: It is easy for us to become slaves to a number things – Phones, social media, gossip, etc. What is something you notice yourself being controlled by?


  1. I am not one to be on my phone or gossip but I will say I find myself a slave to my schedule and to-do list!

  2. Recently, I have found myself to be a slave to gossip. Being in a new school district, there is a lot of talk that goes around. While I do not spread the gossip from ear to ear, I am constantly hearing negative talk about others. I strive to stay out of the drama and focus on being a positive support and light to my peers and students.

  3. Social media definitely sucks me in and sometimes I will read random Facebook comment threads. They’re all dramatic and pointless but for some reason I waste time reading things like that. My goal is to put my phone down and become more intentional in what I am consuming when I am on social or maybe limit the time I am on social media.

  4. The mindless scroll definitely sucks me in and I have set some parameters so it doesn’t all day but definitely could still use improvement.

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