So, what does 2 Timothy 1:8 mean?
In this verse, Paul tells Timothy that he should not be ashamed of the gospel or of Paul and his imprisonment. Throughout 2 Timothy, Paul focuses on two primary ideas:
- First, that Timothy’s background in the faith should give him the courage to stand fast against hard times.
- Second, that Timothy should use that courage to defend the truth of the gospel message.
Question: At times, many of us have been scared to talk about our faith. Why do you think that is?

In this day and age, it seems as though everyone’s emotions and opinions are extreme. They are not up for compromising or agreeing to disagree. It is a confrontational argument until someone is either deeply offended/hurt or forced to no longer respond. I am often discouraged or frightened to speak of my faith or my commitment to praying around strangers or nonbelievers because of the possibility for judgment to pass or tension to arise.