So, what does Psalm 78:4 mean?
This Psalm speaks to the importance of seeing and understanding the hand of God as He moves in and through history. In this verse, the three things we are called to share with coming generations are:
- The praises of the LORD – teaching them that God was worthy of our adoration and gratitude.
- God’s strength – His power and greatness above and beyond all.
- His wonderful works – that is, God’s power and greatness in active assistance to His people.
We should speak often about these things and tell stories of how God has done wonderful works in and through His people!
Question: What wonderful things has God done in your life?

Introduced me to a God-fearing man (aka the man of my dreams). Provided me ample teaching experiences and career opportunities within the last year. Kept my relationship with my parents and bond with siblings extremely strong even amongst distance. Given me ample amounts of grace on a daily basis!
Oh my! The list is so long. Biggest praise is we were able to have children when we weren’t sure we’d be able to.
I thank God that my path crossed with my husband’s our freshman year in college. We continue to grow together with Him and are so much stronger now than when we first got married. 14 years ago I don’t think we could comprehend the possibilities of today and imagine the hopes for our future.