Week 1: Wednesday Comparing Faith

Comparing Faith 

I used to be guilty of comparing my faith to others’. And these are statements I used to let rule my life:

  1. She is a better Christian than I am.
  2. She knows more worship songs than I do.
  3. That person is better at praying out loud.
  4. They have more verses memorized than me.

I used to be the queen of comparison when it came to faith. I followed and looked up to so many women that had hearts similar to Jesus. So, I would sometimes not share my faith because I was one-third of their age and wasn’t as experienced or educated as they were.

I saw women pray without stumbling over their words and sing praise songs with their hands held high. Women who walked boldly in faith and spoke gracefully in truth. Every time I saw these things, it left me feeling like my faith wasn’t as good as theirs. I felt like I needed to have perfect faith before I could share mine with others.

I got so caught up in the exteriors and appearances of what “perfect faith” should look like that I missed opportunities to lead others to the cross.

Looking Back

I wish I could go back and tell myself that Jesus didn’t come to make perfect Christians. He came to make disciples.

If we continue to believe the lie that we are not good enough to share God’s love, then what will make us good enough? Memorizing more Bible verses? Having perfect church attendance? Knowing exactly what to pray for?

Our job as Christians isn’t to look perfect. Our job is to lead others towards God’s perfect love.

My prayer is that you walk away from this course confident in your faith and who God created you to be. But, in order to do that, you first have to take yourself out of the race. The race of being the best, most confident, and put-together Christian because Jesus already won that race. This is your relationship with God. You and Jesus.

God has you on the path you are on for a purpose. He has a specific plan and process for your life that only YOU can thrive in! Quit comparing your faith and walk in it at your own pace, as your unique and beautiful self.


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