Expressing Gratitude in Every Season of Life

In our life, as Christians, gratitude is a powerful and transformative practice that can bring light to even the darkest of seasons. The concept of thanksgiving is deeply rooted in our faith, reminding us to be thankful in all circumstances, even when life presents its most challenging moments.

It’s easy to give thanks when everything is going well, when we’re blessed with health, prosperity, and happiness. However, the true test of our faith and our character comes when we find ourselves navigating through seasons of hurt or darkness. It’s in these trying times that our ability to find things to be grateful for can truly shine as a testament to our faith.

  1. Gratitude in Hardship: It’s during times of adversity that we discover the incredible power of gratitude. When we’re faced with hardships, we may not be thankful for the pain or suffering, but we can find gratitude in the lessons learned, the strength gained, and the opportunity for growth. In these moments, we can turn to the Lord in prayer, seeking His guidance and strength, and find comfort in the knowledge that we are not alone.
  2. Thanksgiving as a Lifestyle: Although November and the Thanksgiving holiday is a great reminder and way to focus your mind on being grateful, gratitude should not be reserved for a specific day or season of the year. It’s a lifestyle, a daily choice to count our blessings, no matter how small they may seem. Even in the midst of trials, we can be thankful for the love of family and friends, the kindness of strangers, and the promise of a brighter tomorrow. Gratitude can become a source of light that radiates from within us, even when, especially when, the world around us seems dark.
  3. A Season for Everything: Ecclesiastes 3:1 tells us, “For everything there is a season, a time for every activity under heaven.” This verse reminds us that life is a journey filled with various seasons—some joyous, some challenging. Each season has its purpose, and we can find reasons to be grateful in all of them. In times of abundance, we thank God for His provision, and in times of scarcity, we thank Him for the opportunity to rely on His unfailing grace.
  4. Community and Support: Often, our gratitude can be deeply intertwined with the community of believers who surround us. In times of trial, we can be thankful for the shoulders we lean on, the prayers offered on our behalf, and the hands that reach out to help. Our faith community can serve as a wellspring of encouragement and gratitude, reminding us that we are part of something much larger than ourselves.

As we journey through the various seasons of life, let’s make it a priority to cultivate a heart of gratitude, not just during Thanksgiving, but throughout the year. In every circumstance, let’s seek the silver linings, count our blessings, lean on Jesus, remember God’s promises for us, and remember that God is with us through every season.

Remember, dear friends, that finding things to be grateful for in every season of life is a powerful act of faith, one that can ignite the light of Christ within us and shine brightly for all to see. In this way, we can be a source of hope and inspiration to others, drawing them closer to the love and grace of our Lord, Jesus Christ.

How to Be More Comfortable Reading the Bible


bibleHere at Ignite, we love scripture! We believe the Bible is a powerful tool that allows us to understand God’s plan, His love and how we should live according to His will. 

Within our community, we often hear phrases like “I don’t know where to start,” or “I’m not comfortable reading the Bible”. So, today we decided to pull together our favorite tips and pointers for how to become more comfortable while reading your Bible!

1) Find a Translation You Understand:
  • Did you know there are over 450 English translations of the Bible? Finding a translation that is easy for you to read and understand is a must! We recommend either NIV, ESV, or NKJV versions. 
2) Find a Bible You Love:
3) Insert Bible Tabs:
  • One of the biggest reasons so many people feel uncomfortable reading the Bible is because they struggle to find certain Books or verses. We recommend getting Bible tabs and attaching them to the correct pages within your Bible. Our favorites include:  
4) Do Some Research:
  • One of the easiest ways to learn more about the Bible, the people in it, or certain verses is to do research! So, if you are confused about a verse or want to learn more a certain book in the Bible, we recommend using these websites:
5) Find a Friend or Group:
  • We are called to be in community, and reading the Bible with another person is a great way to do just that! So, ask a friend, join a small group at your local church or an online community. We encourage you to be bold, take a leap of faith, and put yourself out there – you never know what God may have in store for you!