Be A Light

Light shining through a canyon

“In a world full of hate, be a light. When you do somebody wrong, make it right.
 Don’t hide in the dark, you were born to shine. In a world full of hate, be a light.”
(Lyrics from Thomas Rhett’s “In a World Full of Hate be a Light”)

Song lyrics always have a way of reminding us of what we need to hear, say, or do don’t they? And this song is exactly what we all need to hear. In our world right now, many people are feeling and seeing darkness. This song reminds us how we can be a light. And it all starts with the little things in life. Take some of these examples from the song for instance:
·  When you do someone wrong, make it right.Light shining through a canyon
·   In a time full of war, be peace.
·   In a time full of doubt, just believe.
·   In a place that needs change, make a difference.
·   In a time full of noise, just listen.
·   In a race that you can’t win, slow it down.

These are great reminders when things in the world are bringing us down.

The Little Things Matter

The ladies here at Ignite came up with a few additional, simple things that we can easily do for the people in our lives who need us to be a light. It could be little things like cooking dinner, doing the dishes, sending a card of encouragement, letting someone know that you are praying for them, taking a walk, listening to the one you’re with, or giving someone a hug.

Although we might not realize how much of a difference these things can make, they can have a HUGE impact for the right person. One act of kindness, one simple conversation, or one smile may not seem monumental at the time, but the little things add up. This brings another song lyric to mind,
“I might only have one match. But I can make an explosion.” – “Fight Song” by Rachel Platten.

So, while we might be feeling like the smallest boat floating upon a vast ocean, consider how one word or one simple gesture could “make an explosion” and make a BIG difference for someone in our life.

It is beautiful how both songs, though they have different words, tie together to remind us that it does NOT take BIG things to make a difference in this world. When you put many lighted matches together, you can truly light up a whole room, a whole community, and eventually, ignite the whole world.

Now, go be a light.