Lent: A Season of Reflection and Growth

Lent is a time to prepare for the resurrection of Jesus at Easter. No matter what you call them, the basics of Lent are the same – prayer, fasting and almsgiving.

The 40 days of Lent allow us to reflect on Jesus’ time alone in the desert. This experience was not glamourous or easy. It was a time for Jesus to listen, hear God’s calling, and discover His purpose.

This time of year allows for recentering and focusing, especially on Jesus’ life and the end of His life on earth – His sacrifice. Allow yourself time with your inner thoughts and time to connect with the plans God has for your life.

Common Lenten Traditions
  • Midweek church services to come together as a community.
  • Reflection opportunities – Praying, playing the piano, reading the Bible, or sitting and meditating with God.
  • Stations of the Cross and going to confession in the Catholic Church.
  • Prayer – Improving our prayer life during Lent can allow us to become closer to God. We can do this by reading Scripture, participating in a Bible study, or daily prayer. Continuing and furthering a relationship with God can help us in our daily lives.
  • Fasting – Many times, people give up chocolate, pop, or other foods during Lent. However, Lent can also be a time to fast and rid ourselves of unnecessary “things” to make space for God in our lives. We could fast from gossiping, social media, or something that takes us away from our relationship with God.
  • Almsgiving – This can be many things, giving of your time, talents, and most commonly, your treasures. This is our opportunity to serve others just as Christ would do.

Though these are a few common Lenten traditions, you don’t necessarily need to do them all to participate in this season.

What we are ‘supposed to do’ throughout Lent isn’t actually spelled out in the Bible. The apostles and early church did not actually observe Lent, but rather it became a tradition in the fourth century AD. Just as they did in the early days, though, during this time we can refocus and center our lives while modeling Jesus’ life.

The actions we take during these 40 days are not meant to happen solely during this season. The intent is to build habits that will continue year-round. So, whatever your Lenten traditions may be, remember the reason for the season.

Prayer Practices

Have you ever wondered if you’re praying ‘the right way’? We’re here to tell you that there really isn’t a right or wrong way to pray. It’s all about enhancing your relationship with God and listening or focusing on what He is trying to tell you.

Prayer is personal. It brings you closer to God. Your relationship with God evolves and deepens the more you pray and spend time with Jesus.

Each time we pray, it is typically for a different reason or season in our life. If you struggle to make time to pray or aren’t quite sure how to start, here are a few best practices to consider.

  • Find a designated time each day to spend time in prayer, because developing a consistent routine results in healthy habits! Maybe start with praying at the beginning and/or end of your day. That could eventually expand into spontaneous prayer throughout your day when the spirit moves you to pray. Be aware and look for moments when prayer is needed.
  • Pray simply. You might think you need to have a lengthy prayer or something profound prepared, but God listens to our prayers during moments of need or times of thankfulness, no matter what words we use. God listens to even our shortest prayers in a sudden time of need. You can talk to God like you talk to a friend.
  • Read the Bible. Look up a Bible verse and pray by reflecting on the words. Taking time to read Scripture helps us get to know God even better. Let the words assist you in finding specific and effective ways to continue your conversation with God and aid in prayer requests of yourself and the people you love.

The prayer process can include finding something you are grateful for, acknowledging when you might not have been the best version of yourself, exploring significant moments in your life with God, asking for forgiveness, and lifting up certain people in your life who might need prayer, and asking God to bless them.

No matter how you pray, you are talking to God. He is your friend, and He is always listening.