Finding Rest in Uncertainty Through The Truth of God

God's Truth

God's TruthUncertainty is something we have all experienced at least once. We look ahead and see a future of question marks.

Will I get the job I want? Where will our family live? What is my true calling?

If you can relate to this, I have good news. Although the waiting and the unknown can feel stressful and scary, there is a way to find rest when it all feels uncertain. 

It is so easy to become distracted and discouraged by the trials that life throws our way, but it is in those moments of doubt and confusion that the Lord calls us to cling to the truth that is found only in Him.

Truth of God

The truth that He will always fight for you (Exodus 14:14) and that there is nothing that can stop His love for you (Romans 8:37-39).

The truth that He will guard your heart (Philippians 4:6-7) and give you the gift of peace (John 14:27).

The truth that He will go wherever you go, even into your uncertainty (Joshua 1:9).

The secret to finding rest in the midst of the unknown is resting in and trusting the truth of God. Even though life seems uncertain and scary, God is fighting for you. He is with you, has gone behind you, and is going before you.

Friend, it’s time to rest in His truths.