we can relateDo you ever feel as though you are the only one who struggles with comparison? Like you’re the only one who doesn’t have life figured out? Do you feel pressure to not only have the best but to be the best? If so, trust me, we can all relate!

Yup, I am right there with you.

We live in a world that loves to show off. We post photos of our home, kids, vacations, dinners, cars, family outings, and friendly gatherings. To be honest, it is exhausting! I cannot tell you how many times I have felt as if I need to do more or be more. One minute I will see a girl crushing that “entrepreneurship” lifestyle, and the next minute I will see a gal being a rockstar mom and immediately begin to question my purpose in life. So the more I scroll and compare, the more I begin to doubt and question myself.

Am I supposed to go down this path of life or that one? Do I need to do what she is doing? I cannot do that! Why is she so much better than me? Wait, how is everyone so put together? No, seriously, how does she look like that? What the heck am I doing?

I think it is safe to say WE CAN ALL RELATE. We have all doubted, compared, and talked down to ourselves. We have all felt pressure to keep with society or fit into its mold. Women constantly feel the pressure to be the best friend, gal, wife, mom, or grandma. We have all felt unworthy, unloved, and alone. Comparison can be ugly.

So How Does Ignite Play Into This?
Ignite: Be the Light is a community that focuses on faith-based personal development.

Why? You may ask. Because we believe that God has given each and every one of you a unique set of gifts and a calling that He wants you to ignite.

Through Ignite, we will not only help you overcome the comparison mind games, we will inspire you to walk boldly and confidently in who God created you to be. We will encourage you to run the race that He has set before you at your own speed, with your own gifts.

Ignite is not “just” a brand. It is a community filled with people who will lead, motivate, and challenge you to be the best, wholesome, and genuine version of yourself.

Here at Ignite, we can relate because none of us are perfect, and none of us have life completely figured out. But we believe you do not have to have life figured out in order to share joy, truth, and light in this world (1 Timothy 4:12). You have to have faith.

Our brand-new Foundation course is a four-week journey that allows you to build a faith-based foundation, develop a healthy and holy mindset, establish an intentional lifestyle, and redefine your purpose as a child of God.

Join us as we take on this new course together, in community. Pre-order your journal now and sign up for our Foundation course to receive $5 off until March 29!



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