So, what does 1 John 4: 7-8 mean?

Did you know there are four different kinds of love in the Bible? 
  1. Torge: love between family members
  2. Philia: love between friends
  3. Eros: love between couples
  4. Agape: love of God for humankind
The love that John talks about in this verse comes from the ancient Greek word agape; love that gives without demanding or expecting re-payment. Agape is the God-kind of love.
We love one another because we are loved by God and have received that love. If we want to love one another more, we need to draw closer to God.
Question: What are ways you can draw closer to God?


  1. I love this verse but I love the deeper meaning behind it even more! If we want to love one another, we need to draw closer to God… simple, yet oh so challenging! My favorite way to draw closer to God is by simply keeping Him at the center of everything I do. God is with us through the big and little moments in life and we can’t forget that!

  2. This is a great daily reminder. Life is hard, and people can be challenging; remembering to draw close to Him in the good times and bad will help remind us of this type of love.

  3. Dive into His word, praise Him in all situations, go to Him in prayer, and listen for His voice. I know He is in and amongst my days, but I need to draw closer to Him not just when it is convenient for me or when I see a victory!

    • Love this! I need to remember to praise him in all situations too- not just when I need something.

  4. Drawing closer to God has been on my heart lately so participating and truly engaging in this devotional and course is a great way for me to start. I think a few more simple ways I can grow closer to God are to get back to the basic things I was taught when I was little. Like taking a minute to pray with my husband before meals, talking to God before bed and opening up my Bible and reading His word.

  5. Listen to Him and to turn to Him always. Loved the definitions of love you shared.

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