So, what does Romans 8:18 mean?

Paul was the man who wrote the book of Romans. He was very familiar with pain and hardships, yet he still considered that the future glory outweighed his present sufferings. We live in a world that has suffering, trials, heartache, and problems. But God is bigger than any situation, broken heart, or outcome.
Question: What does this verse mean to you, or how does it speak to you?


  1. I love this verse because it is such a great reminder that at the end of the day, God is bigger than all of our fears, problems, and worries! This is my all time favorite Bible Verses… always has been and always will be!

  2. This is a healthy reminder that no matter the trials and tribulations you face, even the small day-to-day ones, His glory is far greater. I feel that I forget to look up in my times of need; He doesn’t care how big or small it is, He loves us unconditionally.

  3. This verse makes the big trails and tribulations in life seem so small. God’s hand is in it all, and He will allow us to see a victory. His grace and glory is greater and stronger than anything we will ever face.

  4. A quote that brought me a lot of comfort during a hard time in my life was “Everything will be okay in the end. If it’s not okay, it’s not the end.” And how true for that quote and Bible verse. When it is all said and done we will be in glory with Him and all of the “things” along the way won’t matter anymore. He matters!

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