So, what does 1 John 4:18 mean?
In this verse, John begins by declaring the heart of every true follower of Jesus. Simply put, we love Him. Fear, guilt, and shame cannot coexist alongside faith, hope, and love because God’s perfect love overwhelms every negative influence of fear (Knowing Jesus).
Question: What does this verse mean to you, or how does it speak to you?

I love this verse for a number of reasons but the main reason being that it shows us just how faithful and loving our God is. It also shows us how powerful LOVE is… the greatest commandment of all is to love God and love others for this very reason!
God’s love for us is powerful enough to overcome out fears and anxieties, we just have to trust Him and lay our burdens down for Him.
God’s love for us is much more vast than our earthly fears and sins. We are called to seek His love in our lives and stand fearless. After all, fear is a liar.
God’s love is bigger than anything and through Him, we don’t have to worry or be anxious.