Childlike Faith

I love nothing more on this earth than watching little kids at church and Sunday school.  The way their little bodies fill with joy as they squeal their favorite Christian songs. Heck, I was that little kid. So content with my life and the idea that Jesus made me unique so, therefore, I was pretty darn cool. Unwavering childlike faith is a beautiful thing. 

I knew Jesus loved me, so I loved Him back. I was supposed to forgive others, so I did. I was told to be kind, so I was. It was a simple little mindset and relationship, mine and Jesus’s – genuine and untouched from the world. I never doubted, questioned, or sought explanations; I just believed.

Isn’t it funny how the older we get, the less “childlike” faith we have? We begin to question and doubt every little thing in life, such as our future, career, faith, talents, and capabilities. It’s a trait I wish I never lost, and it makes me wonder why I was so eager to grow up. How did I lose my quick sense of forgiveness? How did I lose confidence in my future? How did I lose my childlike faith?

The Simple Answer

I love this question, and I’m going to give you a simple answer because I believe most things in life don’t take a rocket scientist to figure out. As we grow up, we allow the world to lead us instead of letting God lead us. We begin to shed the skin of having parental control over our lives and start to make our own decisions without our “father’s” guidance. We begin to put our self-worth in other things and other people. When we grow up, we often forget that we still need our Father’s guidance.

Looking back, I would not have survived my childhood if I did not have my dad. Someone to tell me no, guide me in the right direction, and keep me grounded. I always trusted him because I knew he had my best interest in mind, just like God does.

Just because we are adults doesn’t mean we should stop running to our Father and believe in His promises with a childlike heart. So, here is my prayer for you:

I pray that you let our Father lead your heart, mind, and soul.

I pray that you turn to Him during your best and worst times for guidance and comfort.

I pray that you embrace in your excitement for the Lord and continue to live out every day with faith like a child.


Foundation Week Two Content


  1. I love this blog so much because it reminds us to get back to the basics as well as realize that faith and a relationship with God does not have to be difficult. When we learn to turn to God for everything instead of earthly things that may not be good for us I think it makes a huge difference on our mindset and future actions.

  2. As a future educator, I cling to the innocence and obedience of youth in the school setting but even more within a church environment. Where did my open heart and free spirit go inside the church walls? Somewhere along the way I allowed the world and others to take hold of me. I must get God back to the center. I won’t think twice about my appearance, my offering, or my praise when I reengage a childlike faith.

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