So, what does Romans 11:6 mean?
In this verse, Paul reminds us what grace truly is; the free and unearned gift of God. Grace is always given and never paid for. He reminds us that we are not saved or loved by God because of what we’ve done. Rather, we are saved and loved because of what He has done.
Question: Why do you think God’s grace is free? What does that tell us about God?

I love this verse because it reminds us that God’s grace cannot be earned and it cannot be taken away. It all goes back to Him, to Jesus, the one who died on the cross so we could be free. This verse not only tells us, but shows us how much God desires a relationship with us.
Grace isn’t about who we are and what we have done. It is about who God is and what He has done for us. Jesus’ death on the cross is the ultimate gift of grace that never runs dry or away from us. Jesus paid the ultimate price for us.