So, what does Matthew 11:28 mean?

Although this gracious invitation to ‘come’ in the Book of Matthew is offered to all people, it was initially given by Jesus to Israel. Jesus reached a point in His ministry when He switched His attention from the nation as a whole, to individuals who believed in Him. In this verse, Jesus was inviting the individual believers who were labored and heavy laden to come to Him for rest (Knowing Jesus). Matthew 11:28 
 Question: Who or what do you turn to when you are stressed or needing rest?


  1. When I am stressed I find myself very anxious. I tend to overthink just about everything and can’t focus on one thing for more than 10 seconds. I love this verse because it reminds me where true rest comes from, HIM!

  2. I overthink everything too. I ask myself what is the next best thing I can do.

  3. When I am stressed, I rely on guidance from and good conversation with my close friends and family. A night filled with my favorite comfort foods, The Parent Trap, and candles burning always seems to do the trick as well. Recently, our new puppy has been a great stress reliever and soul refresher.

  4. I am guilty of over thinking and letting my anxiety run wild sometimes too. To help me de-stress I love to cuddle with our dog, watch something funny on TV, eat a favorite food, talk to my mom or my husband and then talk to God before I go to sleep. Sometimes that’s the only way I can shut my mind off at night. Talking to Him gives me such a sense of peace that He’s got it all under control.

  5. When I am stressed I take a breath and either go for a walk or read a book and always say a prayer. I also like to do brain dumps just to get everything out of my head and then that helps me prioritize.

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