Week 4: Tuesday Verse

So, what does 1 Peter 4:10 mean?

Peter is implying two things within this verse:
  1. That we should view our gifts as a gift from God.
  2. That we should view our gifts as an opportunity to serve others.
We have received our gifts through grace, and grace alone. It is by grace that we use our gifts. We serve God because God gives, not because we earn the right to be used by God.
Question: What spiritual gifts and talents do you believe God has given you?

Week 4: Monday Podcast

Have A Listen!

Do you struggle to find your life’s purpose? Are you looking more externally than internally? If so, this week and episode are for you! This week we take a deep dive to identify what is holding you back from walking in your purpose, discover your God-given talents, take time to understand humility, and ultimately pinpoint the legacy you hope to leave on this world. 

Question: What was your favorite part of this episode or what stood out to you the most?

Foundation Week Four Content 

Week 1 Podcast

Week 4: Monday Verse

So, what does Acts 26:29 mean?

Paul (like the other Apostles) was hated by most of the Jews because he openly and publicly taught that Jesus was the Son of God. Paul spent several years of his ministry in prison, and in this verse, Paul states that even though he was in chains, he had more freedom in Jesus than any of the royalty listening had.

Question: What does this verse mean to you or how does it relate to your life?

Foundation Week Four Content

Week 4: Sunday Welcome

Welcome to Week Four of the Foundation course!

This is your final week, where did the time go? Week Four is all about redefining your purpose as a child of God. This is the hub for your member-only material. A new blog, podcast, quote, Bible verse, or YouTube video will be posted here every day, all week long – AMAZING!
We encourage you to comment, share stories, make friendships, and ask for prayer or encouragement when needed. Ignite is a community that cheers on and lifts up others. So let’s grow together; in community.
Question: What day are you most looking forward to?

Week 3: Saturday “Let’s Talk Intentionality”

Let’s Talk: Intentionality

This week Shelly and the Ignite team dive into the root of living an intentional lifestyle. We will refresh, remodel, refine, recharge and refocus aspects of our lives. So get ready to think deeply about what you consume, evaluate whether your habits are truly serving you, and determine whether your friendships are challenging you to be the best version of yourself!

Question: What did you relate to the most in this video or what was your favorite part?

Foundation Week Three Content

Week 3: Friday Check-in

How is Week Three going?

Drop any comments, experiences, or questions you may have about the overall week; daily topics; journal stories; Bible verses; or intentionality as a whole. We would love to answer them for you! If you don’t feel comfortable commenting, send us a DM and we will get back to you as soon as possible. Great work, we are SO proud of you!
Question: How are you doing? What have been LOVING this week? What areas are you struggling in? How has God been working in your life?

Week 3: Friday Verse

So, what does Ephesians 5:15-16 mean?

Paul uses the theme of walking six other times in the Book of Ephesians. In a literal sense, walking means moving your legs to get from point A to point B. The ‘walking’ that Paul is referring to means abiding or remaining in Jesus. It refers to how one lives their life. Let us each “walk” as we ought to in Christ, coordinating the deeds of our life in harmony with God’s will. Ephesians 5:15-16

Question: What is your favorite way to walk with God (Praying, journaling, sermons, etc.)?