Expressing Gratitude in Every Season of Life

In our life, as Christians, gratitude is a powerful and transformative practice that can bring light to even the darkest of seasons. The concept of thanksgiving is deeply rooted in our faith, reminding us to be thankful in all circumstances, even when life presents its most challenging moments.

It’s easy to give thanks when everything is going well, when we’re blessed with health, prosperity, and happiness. However, the true test of our faith and our character comes when we find ourselves navigating through seasons of hurt or darkness. It’s in these trying times that our ability to find things to be grateful for can truly shine as a testament to our faith.

  1. Gratitude in Hardship: It’s during times of adversity that we discover the incredible power of gratitude. When we’re faced with hardships, we may not be thankful for the pain or suffering, but we can find gratitude in the lessons learned, the strength gained, and the opportunity for growth. In these moments, we can turn to the Lord in prayer, seeking His guidance and strength, and find comfort in the knowledge that we are not alone.
  2. Thanksgiving as a Lifestyle: Although November and the Thanksgiving holiday is a great reminder and way to focus your mind on being grateful, gratitude should not be reserved for a specific day or season of the year. It’s a lifestyle, a daily choice to count our blessings, no matter how small they may seem. Even in the midst of trials, we can be thankful for the love of family and friends, the kindness of strangers, and the promise of a brighter tomorrow. Gratitude can become a source of light that radiates from within us, even when, especially when, the world around us seems dark.
  3. A Season for Everything: Ecclesiastes 3:1 tells us, “For everything there is a season, a time for every activity under heaven.” This verse reminds us that life is a journey filled with various seasons—some joyous, some challenging. Each season has its purpose, and we can find reasons to be grateful in all of them. In times of abundance, we thank God for His provision, and in times of scarcity, we thank Him for the opportunity to rely on His unfailing grace.
  4. Community and Support: Often, our gratitude can be deeply intertwined with the community of believers who surround us. In times of trial, we can be thankful for the shoulders we lean on, the prayers offered on our behalf, and the hands that reach out to help. Our faith community can serve as a wellspring of encouragement and gratitude, reminding us that we are part of something much larger than ourselves.

As we journey through the various seasons of life, let’s make it a priority to cultivate a heart of gratitude, not just during Thanksgiving, but throughout the year. In every circumstance, let’s seek the silver linings, count our blessings, lean on Jesus, remember God’s promises for us, and remember that God is with us through every season.

Remember, dear friends, that finding things to be grateful for in every season of life is a powerful act of faith, one that can ignite the light of Christ within us and shine brightly for all to see. In this way, we can be a source of hope and inspiration to others, drawing them closer to the love and grace of our Lord, Jesus Christ.

St. Valentine

saint valentine

saint valentineAlthough Valentine’s Day is most popularly known as a day for roses, chocolates, romance, and wining and dining, it is also known as the Feast of St. Valentine.

St. Valentine is the patron saint of lovers, epileptics and beekeepers. He is one of only two saints – Valentine and Patrick – who have their feast days listed as holidays on ordinary calendars.

Though this saint’s name has become synonymous with love and affection, little is known about him, except that he was a Roman priest and martyr (a person considered to have died because of their testimony for Jesus or faith in Jesus).

“Although we may not understand why a priest is the patron saint of lovers, it’s easy to know why we have a saint especially assigned to the virtue of love. Love is an essential ingredient for life.” (365 Saints by Woodeene Koenig-Bricker)

What is a saint?

Some might ask what makes a saint, a Saint. According to Christian teachings, a saint (broadly speaking) is anyone who follows Jesus and lives their life according to His teaching. Saints with a capital ‘S’ are those who led lives of holiness and heroic virtue while on earth and are now officially declared and recognized by the Catholic and Orthodox traditions.

“Heroic” virtue refers to a saint’s ability to overcome sinful tendencies and temptations. They weren’t immune to sin, and many of them had to struggle for years to conquer their sinful passions. Saints weren’t perfect. They made mistakes just like everyone else. But what sets them apart with the title “saint” is that they did not stay down when they fell. By God’s grace, these holy men and women stood up, brushed off the dirt and kept moving forward.*

The remarkable thing about a lot of Saints is they were regular, everyday people. And they experienced life’s ups and downs just like the rest of us. However, they listened to God’s calling for their life. They made it their purpose to live an honorable and holy life.

So, as we enjoy this beautiful Valentine’s Day holiday, don’t forget the roots of the holiday from St. Valentine. Consider how you can also demonstrate your love for those around you, just as Jesus shows his love for each one of us.


5 Ways to Keep God at the Center of Busy Seasons

keep God at the center

keep God at the centerThe kids are back in school, sports are in full swing, and autumn is right around the corner! Just like that, the relaxed mentality of summer is thrown out the window and replaced with an activity-filled agenda.

As much as we love the cooler days, football-filled nights, and everything flannel and pumpkin, we know this is a crazy and busy season. We know this because we are right there with you! That is why today’s blog post is regarding our favorite ways we set aside time for rest, fellowship, and communion with God in our busiest of seasons.

5 Ways to Keep God at the Center of Busy Seasons:
1) Family Prayer Before Meals

Growing up, my brother and I would have completely different schedules. Dance and volleyball this night, football and band that night. As chaotic as our days were, my parents made it known that we would eat supper together as a family and say a prayer before each meal. Dinner prayers are a simple and easy way to bring your family together, give thanks, and reflect on all that God has done throughout the day.

2) Listen to a Christian Podcast:

Listening to a Christian Podcast while running errands, going for a walk, or cleaning the house is an easy and effective way to grow in your faith and keep a grace-based mindset. Some of our favorites include:

3) Ignite Intention Calendar:

Here at Ignite, one of our favorite ways to keep Jesus at the center of each week is by filling out our Ignite Intention Calendar. There are so many incredible features within our Intention calendar that allow you to read scripture, plan time with your family, and create a life of intention.

4) Worship Music:

Worship music is one of the easiest ways to put yourself in a good mood and find peace amid every activity and event. There are so many uplifting and encouraging Christian songs on the radio that you are sure to find a new favorite.

5) Sabbath:

Exodus 20:8-10 reads, Remember the Sabbath day by keeping it holy. Six days you shall labor and do all your work, but the seventh day is a sabbath to the Lord your God. The most important thing you can do on any busy week is take time to rest and recharge as a family. You are called to live a life of purpose, but don’t forget to take time and just be.

10 Bible Verses to Help You Seek God

Seeking God

Often times we hear girls and young women say they struggle to seek God and His plan. They explain their hardships and doubts, sharing that it almost seems as if there is a wall built between them and God.

Whether you can relate, are lost in your Christian journey, or are flat out uncertain of God, we are here to tell you that you are not alone.

There is so much joy and endless love that comes from God. He heals our wounds, answers our prayers, and forgives our sins, all while loving us unconditionally.

We pray these verses allow you to seek God, open your heart, and break down the wall holding you back from a life of Grace. Our God is faithful, and He is good. It is time to put your trust in Him.

  1. He went out to meet Asa and said to him, “Listen to me, Asa and all Judah and Benjamin. The Lord is with you when you are with him. If you seek him, he will be found by you, but if you forsake him, he will forsake you. -2 Chronicles 15:2
  2. And without faith, it is impossible to please God because anyone who comes to him must believe that he exists and that he rewards those who earnestly seek him. -Hebrews 11:16
  3. They were to look for God. Then they might feel after Him and find Him because He is not far from each one of us. -Acts 17:27
  4. The Lord says to the people of Israel, “Look for me and Live.” -Amos 5:4
  5. But if from there you seek the Lord your God, you will find him if you seek him with all your heart and with all your soul. -Deuteronomy 4:2
  6. The hand of our God brings good to all who look for Him. But his power and His anger are against all who turn away from Him. -Ezra 8:22
  7. “And you, my son Solomon, acknowledge the God of your father, and serve him with wholehearted devotion and with a willing mind, for the Lord searches every heart and understands every desire and every thought. If you seek him, he will be found by you; but if you forsake him, he will reject you forever.” -1 Chronicles 28:9
  8. “You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart. I will be found by you,” declares the Lord, “and will bring you back from captivity. I will gather you from all the nations and places where I have banished you,” declares the Lord, “and will bring you back to the place from which I carried you into exile.” -Jeremiah 29: 13-14
  9. Those who know your name trust in you, for you, Lord, have never forsaken those who seek you. -Psalm 9:10
  10.  Then Jesus said to his disciples, “Whoever wants to be my disciple must deny themselves and take up their cross and follow me. For whoever wants to save their life will lose it, but whoever loses their life for me will find it. What good will it be for someone to gain the whole world, yet forfeit their soul? Or what can anyone give in exchange for their soul? -Matthew 16: 24-26

A New Season

new season

Change is a process. I learn, accept, grow, get comfortable, and then a new season of life comes. It’s an endless cycle.

I used to view change as a scary thing. I always dreaded it because I am someone who struggles with not being in control. Can you relate?

Recently, I have allowed myself to let go of my constant need for control and let God to take the reins. Just like that, new seasons of life don’t seem as daunting.

I have learned that I can view my next season of life as scary and foreign, or I can view it as a new chapter and an adventure awaiting me.

When we allow God to lead and humble ourselves to give up control, that’s when things change. That is when we can see how much we have grown and learned in our current season. All we have to do is be patient, let Him lead, and live the life He has called us to live.

Change can be intimidating, but staying the same can be just as scary. We have to go through each season of life and all the changes ahead of us to live out what God has called us to be. So, as the saying goes; let go, and let God.

My prayer for you is that whatever your season of life may be, you give up control. Trust that God will protect you, place you in extraordinary situations, and lead you to God-fearing people. If you fall short or mess up, He will pick you back up. Our God is a forgiving and great God. He has a beautiful season of life that awaits you. So go out and enjoy the new.

God Is Always With You


aloneI want you to remember that you are never alone. God is always with you.

Sometimes it is hard for us to believe this statement because we cannot physically see God. I will be the first to admit it can be hard to not feel alone when you physically are alone.

Throughout my first year of college, I had never felt more alone. Looking back, God was there the whole time. I was just choosing not to see Him. It wasn’t until the end of my freshman year that I finally realized it and allowed myself to lean on God. I also realized that He is the only person who knows my past, present, and future. Why would I not trust him?

I am a person who needs a plan. I have always tried to plan every moment of my life, but it never turns out as I want it to. I’ve slowly found that I need to allow God to make the plans and I just need to be still.

During this season of my life, I have found that reading scripture has allowed me to not only feel God’s presence but physically see Him in the little moments of life.

One verse that resonates with me is Philippians 4:6-7, “Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.”

If you are starting a new chapter in your life, gearing up for college, or simply feeling alone, remember God is always there. He will walk with you every step of the way. All you have to do is be still.

Scripture to Combat 3 Lies Women Believe


liesMost of us are guilty of believing lies about ourselves. But why? And how can Scripture help us reveal the truth?

I once sat in room, full of women my age, talking about anything and everything until the topic of feeling unworthy came up. One girl shared how she felt as though she was never enough. Another as if she was defined by her social status. The final woman shared how she struggled with believing she was beautiful.

The rest of us sat, nodding our heads, realizing that we have believed each of these statements to be true.

At some point in our lives, we have all felt unworthy or not enough. We have all felt pressure to keep up with the Jones’s or strive to a higher title or social status. Pressure to look skinnier, prettier, and more put together.

Not only have we felt these lies, but we have also wholeheartedly believed them to be true.

It broke my heart to realize that so many of us have let these lies control our lives. So, I sat down, cracked open my Bible, and looked for truth to combat these lies.

Lie #1: You are not worthy; you are not enough.

I hate to break to it you, sister, but if you believe this lie, you better stop right now and open your Bible to John 1:12.

John 1:12 – But to all who did receive him, who believed in his name, he gave the right to become children of God.

You are a daughter of the King and that in itself is enough to make you feel known, loved, and seen. You are precious and you are worthy in the eyes of God. Read that once more.

Lie #2: You are defined by your job title, grades, or social status.

I refused to go to a two-year university because I thought people would look down on me. I feared I wouldn’t be as qualified or make as much money as they did. Still to this day, I run the opposite direction when I hear the words, “ACT score”.

Romans 8: 38-39 – For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord.

Be the kind of woman who knows that her worth is not measured by what she has or what she has done, but in who she is in Christ.

Lie #3: Your beauty is defined by your outward appearance.

Sometimes it is instilled in our brains at such a young age that beauty is what we look like and what brand we wear. We spend multiple hours a day trying to impress others or change the way we look. Because society’s definition of beauty is strictly outward appearances.

1 Peter 3: 3-4 – “Your beauty should not come from outward adornments, such as elaborate hairstyles and the wearing of gold jewelry or fine clothes. Rather, it should be that of your inner self, the unfading beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which is of great worth in God’s sight.

I love this verse for many reasons. The first being that it reminds us that our clothes, hair, and looks will eventually fade away. The second being that it tells us what true beauty is; someone who loves others and Jesus.

Strengthen your confidence in yourself and in Him and these lies don’t stand a chance. To help you do so, check out our latest podcast. We share how we’ve gone from feeling lost and alone to loving who God made us to be.

And if you still find yourself struggling with these lies, check out our personal development journal. Week two is dedicated to creating a healthy and holy mindset – vital in ensuring these lies have no place in your mind.

5 Bible Verses for Trusting God

Trust in His word

Trust in His wordAre you having a hard time putting your trust in God?

Are you letting fear run your life?

Do feel like nothing is stable or certain?

Have you been experiencing doubt?

Are you unsure where to start? If so, that’s okay, we have all been there before!

A great way to begin trusting God is by reading His word. Too often we forget how beautiful and powerful the gift of scripture is! When life seems crazy and nothing is going as planned, lean into Him and lean into His word. We promise your heart, mind, and soul will be renewed and you walk away stronger in your faith and more confident in the plans God has for you.

Here are 5 Bible verses for trusting God:

Jeremiah 29:11 → “For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.”
  •  Too often, we have this notion in our head that we have to make every right move and decision to live the life that God has created for us. But the sweet truth of this verse tells us that God isn’t asking us to figure things out on our own, He is asking us to trust that He already has!
Psalm 25:4-5 → Show me your ways, Lord, teach me your paths. Guide me in your truth and teach me, for you are God my Savior, and my hope is in you all day long.
  • Take a moment and think about where and what you put your hope in. A lot of times, we put our hope in earthly things and as a result, we allow the world to lead us. In this verse, David is asking God for guidance. He is choosing to be led by the spirit and truth. Let’s make the choice, each day, to seek and follow the Lord’s ways rather than the ways of the world.
Jeremiah 17:7 → But blessed is the one who trusts in the Lord, whose confidence is in him.
  • This verse is the definition of beautiful! Over time, our trust in God becomes a trust that is God – it’s a natural by-product of being with Jesus. Friend, this is your invitation to take a step in trust today.
Psalm 37:4 → Take delight in the Lord, and he will give you the desires of your heart.
  • Taking delight in the Lord means that our hearts truly find peace and fulfillment in Him. When we rejoice and delight in the eternal things of God, our desires begin to parallel His, and we will never go unfulfilled.
Isaiah 58:11 → The Lord will guide you always; he will satisfy your needs in a sun-scorched land and will strengthen your frame. You will be like a well-watered garden, like a spring whose waters never fail.
  • Where God guides you, He will provide for you. Raise your hand if you are guilty of thinking just the opposite! Too often we believe we aren’t good enough, talented enough, or strong enough to fulfill what God has put on our hearts. But this verse tells us just the opposite. Where God guides, He provides. Read that once more!

Mindset Through a Breakup



Breakups, what a fun thing to go through? I can confidently say some are easier than others. But, what I have learned is that having a healthy and holy mindset through a breakup is an essential part of healing and moving on!

I once had a dear friend say to me, “healing is not linear,” and it has stuck with me ever since. I love this quote for so many reasons, but the main reason being that I believe it speaks so much truth. Throughout a breakup process, there are highs and lows, peaks and valleys. Some days are easier than others, and that is a simple truth.

I didn’t realize my mindset played a huge role in how I viewed each peak and valley. I didn’t recognize my mindset was a choice. Each morning, I had the opportunity of waking up and choosing to be angry and disappointed or at peace and grateful. It was up to me to choose a healthy and holy mindset.

Six Things to Keep in Mind During a Breakup

Here are my six pieces of advice I wish I would have heard throughout my breakup process.

  1. Give Yourself Time: I used to get upset when people would say, ‘just give it time.’ Looking back, I can confidently say that time has been my biggest blessing.
  2. Surround yourself with good people: I am so thankful I was in college throughout my breakup because I had so many friends that I could lean on. God placed some pretty amazing and supportive people within my life when I needed them most.
  3. Focus on the good: Even though there will be hard days, try to find the good in each day. I went through my breakup during Lent. My Lenten promise was to write down five things I was thankful for every single day.
  4. Lean on God: God is the only person that knows me in the past, present, and future. Why would I not lean on him? Trust me, I know it can be difficult, but God has a plan that is so much bigger and better! So, let go and let God; trust his process.
  5. Journal: Almost every day since my breakup, I have created time within my schedule to journal. I look at this time as a “prayer.” I write down all of my triumphs, worries, and everything in between. Go ahead, give it a try!
  6. Feel your emotions: There is a difference between feeling your emotions and holding onto them. It’s okay to be upset and angry. Feeling that way is part of the healing process. But, to truly move you, you cannot hold on to that anger. Let your emotions come in, feel them, and let them go.

I may not have all the answers, but I hope my outlook and past experiences can help someone walking through a difficult season. I would encourage you to look at this time as a gift from God to focus on your relationship with Him. These are the six things I wish would have popped up on my Pinterest when I searched “how to get over a relationship.’

Remember, healing is not linear, and God always has a plan, even if you may not see it.