How is Week One, so far?

Question: What comments, experiences, or questions do you have about the overall week; daily topics; journal stories; Bible verses; or faith as a whole.
We would love to answer your questions about Week One of Ignite! We will be checking in every week with you. Keep up the great work!


  1. I love faith week! So many golden nuggets of inspiration and truth that I NEEDED to hear! Keep up the great work ladies – we got this!!!

  2. “Having faith does not mean you have all the answers. It means you have trust and hope in the One who does.” I wrote this verse on my weekly calendar for this coming week to remind myself of my foundation in faith and how powerful Jesus truly is.

  3. The first week has been great. And while there have been a couple days I’ve forgotten to log-in online, the online resources are a great companion to to devotion journal.

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