Welcome to Week Two of the Foundation course!

This week is all about developing a healthy and holy mindset. This is the hub for your member-only material. A new blog, podcast, quote, Bible verse, or YouTube video will be posted here every day, all week long – SWEET!

We encourage you to comment, share stories, make friendships, and ask for prayer or encouragement when needed. Ignite is a community that cheers on and lifts up others. So let’s grow together; in community. 

Question: What day are you looking forward to the most?


  1. Mindset week is such a good week! There is not a specific day I am look forward to the most, mainly the entire week as a whole!

  2. Friday for sure! Confident mindset is an area I definitely need to improve in.

  3. Grateful Mindset, Tuesday, sounds like something very fitting for this season of thanksgiving and life.

  4. I think Forgiving mindset Monday and Confident mindset Friday are the days I am looking forward to the most and the areas that I strive to improve upon. Our mindset impacts everything we do so I really am excited for this week as a whole.

  5. Forgiving Mindset – this is an area that I’m always working on.

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