Game of Comparison


comparisonIt is hard for me to think of a time when there wasn’t social media. When we didn’t have to post every moment of our life. Or be constantly consumed by highlight reels and comparing our lives to others’.

I think it is safe to say we have all played the game of comparison. Believing that others have their lives more together, or wishing we had their hair, skin, body, or whatever the case may be. It can be so exhausting to the point where you wonder if you have anything good going for you.

My mom used to tell me, “Comparison is the thief of all happiness”. I never wanted to believe that, but looking back I realize that she was right.

Combatting Comparison

One realization that has helped me stop playing the comparison game is the simple truth that social media is not real life. The posts are just the highlights of someone’s life.

When you feel yourself slipping into this vicious comparison game, do your best to stop and reframe your mindset. You are beautiful and you are enough! Remind yourself that the people you see on social media are human too.  They go through ups and downs and their lives are not perfect, even if their Instagram makes it appear so.

Another thing I have found that has helped me combat a comparison mindset is reading Scripture. While reading, I stumbled across a perfect verse to keep in mind:

Philippians 2:3 “Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit. Rather, in humility, value others above yourselves.”

We are so quick to compare our strengths and weaknesses to others. However, it is important to remember everyone is unique and different, that is what makes the world so beautiful. We are called to not be selfish of others’ strengths and to not ridicule their weaknesses, but to love and embrace them.

We are to walk in humility and not compare, because we are all imperfect people.

Mindset Through a Breakup



Breakups, what a fun thing to go through? I can confidently say some are easier than others. But, what I have learned is that having a healthy and holy mindset through a breakup is an essential part of healing and moving on!

I once had a dear friend say to me, “healing is not linear,” and it has stuck with me ever since. I love this quote for so many reasons, but the main reason being that I believe it speaks so much truth. Throughout a breakup process, there are highs and lows, peaks and valleys. Some days are easier than others, and that is a simple truth.

I didn’t realize my mindset played a huge role in how I viewed each peak and valley. I didn’t recognize my mindset was a choice. Each morning, I had the opportunity of waking up and choosing to be angry and disappointed or at peace and grateful. It was up to me to choose a healthy and holy mindset.

Six Things to Keep in Mind During a Breakup

Here are my six pieces of advice I wish I would have heard throughout my breakup process.

  1. Give Yourself Time: I used to get upset when people would say, ‘just give it time.’ Looking back, I can confidently say that time has been my biggest blessing.
  2. Surround yourself with good people: I am so thankful I was in college throughout my breakup because I had so many friends that I could lean on. God placed some pretty amazing and supportive people within my life when I needed them most.
  3. Focus on the good: Even though there will be hard days, try to find the good in each day. I went through my breakup during Lent. My Lenten promise was to write down five things I was thankful for every single day.
  4. Lean on God: God is the only person that knows me in the past, present, and future. Why would I not lean on him? Trust me, I know it can be difficult, but God has a plan that is so much bigger and better! So, let go and let God; trust his process.
  5. Journal: Almost every day since my breakup, I have created time within my schedule to journal. I look at this time as a “prayer.” I write down all of my triumphs, worries, and everything in between. Go ahead, give it a try!
  6. Feel your emotions: There is a difference between feeling your emotions and holding onto them. It’s okay to be upset and angry. Feeling that way is part of the healing process. But, to truly move you, you cannot hold on to that anger. Let your emotions come in, feel them, and let them go.

I may not have all the answers, but I hope my outlook and past experiences can help someone walking through a difficult season. I would encourage you to look at this time as a gift from God to focus on your relationship with Him. These are the six things I wish would have popped up on my Pinterest when I searched “how to get over a relationship.’

Remember, healing is not linear, and God always has a plan, even if you may not see it.

Week 2: Saturday “Let’s Talk Mindset”

Let’s Talk: Mindset

Be honest: Do you struggle with certain types of mindsets? If so, you’re not the only one! In this episode, we talk about our personal experiences with fear, confidence, anxiety, and so much more! Grab a cup of coffee, pull up a seat, and join alongside the gals at Ignite as they discuss all things ‘mindset.’

Question: What was your biggest takeaway from this video, or what conversation did you relate to the most?

Foundation Week Two Content

Week 2: Friday Verse

So, what does Ephesians 3:12 mean?

A majority of our daily Bible verses are written by a man named Paul, a minister to the Gentiles. But, before preaching, Paul had persecuted the church as an unbeliever! What I love most about Paul’s story is the simple fact that he went from killing Christians and not believing in God to writing a huge portion of the Bible and preaching the good news of God’s grace. Paul is proof that there is no limit to God’s forgiveness. 
Question: How does this verse speak or relate to you?

Week 2: Thursday Verse

So, what does Romans 11:6 mean?

In this verse, Paul reminds us what grace truly is; the free and unearned gift of God. Grace is always given and never paid for. He reminds us that we are not saved or loved by God because of what we’ve done. Rather, we are saved and loved because of what He has done.

Question: Why do you think God’s grace is free? What does that tell us about God?

Foundation Week Two Content

Week 2: Wednesday Childlike Faith

Childlike Faith

I love nothing more on this earth than watching little kids at church and Sunday school.  The way their little bodies fill with joy as they squeal their favorite Christian songs. Heck, I was that little kid. So content with my life and the idea that Jesus made me unique so, therefore, I was pretty darn cool. Unwavering childlike faith is a beautiful thing. 

I knew Jesus loved me, so I loved Him back. I was supposed to forgive others, so I did. I was told to be kind, so I was. It was a simple little mindset and relationship, mine and Jesus’s – genuine and untouched from the world. I never doubted, questioned, or sought explanations; I just believed.

Isn’t it funny how the older we get, the less “childlike” faith we have? We begin to question and doubt every little thing in life, such as our future, career, faith, talents, and capabilities. It’s a trait I wish I never lost, and it makes me wonder why I was so eager to grow up. How did I lose my quick sense of forgiveness? How did I lose confidence in my future? How did I lose my childlike faith?

The Simple Answer

I love this question, and I’m going to give you a simple answer because I believe most things in life don’t take a rocket scientist to figure out. As we grow up, we allow the world to lead us instead of letting God lead us. We begin to shed the skin of having parental control over our lives and start to make our own decisions without our “father’s” guidance. We begin to put our self-worth in other things and other people. When we grow up, we often forget that we still need our Father’s guidance.

Looking back, I would not have survived my childhood if I did not have my dad. Someone to tell me no, guide me in the right direction, and keep me grounded. I always trusted him because I knew he had my best interest in mind, just like God does.

Just because we are adults doesn’t mean we should stop running to our Father and believe in His promises with a childlike heart. So, here is my prayer for you:

I pray that you let our Father lead your heart, mind, and soul.

I pray that you turn to Him during your best and worst times for guidance and comfort.

I pray that you embrace in your excitement for the Lord and continue to live out every day with faith like a child.


Foundation Week Two Content

Week 2: Wednesday Verse

So, what does 1 John 4:18 mean?

In this verse, John begins by declaring the heart of every true follower of Jesus. Simply put, we love Him. Fear, guilt, and shame cannot coexist alongside faith, hope, and love because God’s perfect love overwhelms every negative influence of fear (Knowing Jesus).

Question: What does this verse mean to you, or how does it speak to you?

Foundation Week Two Content